Formal verification of the completely correctness is formulated as partial correctness and termination by formal proof method. 形式化证明把程序完全正确性问题归结为部分正确性和终止性的证明。
As of now we have not received any formal proof ', he said. 到现在我们还没有收到任何正式的官方文件。
Euclid's books on geometry, with their formal axioms and rigorous methods of proof, shaped mathematical thinking for more than 2000 years. 他关于几何方面的书籍,以其形式公理和严格论证方法影响世界数学思想达2000多年之久。
Prove formally; demonstrate by a mathematical, formal proof. 从形式上证明;通过一个数学的或形式的证据来演示某事物。
In China, rural citizens are not entitled to own land; it is owned collectively and administered by the state, and many peasant farmers have no formal title or documentary proof of the 30-year leases handed out by officials. 在中国,农村人口没有资格拥有土地;土地是由国家集体拥有并管理的,许多农民没有正式产权,也没有官方以前发给他们的30年土地租约的书面证明。
The formal documents attached to this formal notice shall be deemed sufficient proof of service of such notice. 而此种通知正式付邮的证件,应视为送达此种通知的充分证明。
As one of the important research branch of formal verification, theorem proof plays an important role in enhancing the safty and dependability of software systems. 定理证明是计算机领域中形式化验证的重要研究课题,对保证软件的正确性和可靠性具有十分重要的意义。
Indeed, agencies enjoy considerably wider power to dispense with formal proof than the courts do. 事实上,行政机关较之法院享有更多更广泛的权力省却正式的举证。
The formal proof and experimental results show that the improved algorithm is effective and better for the multi-task system to avoid deadlock. 通过算法推理和实例验证,改进后的算法是可行且高效的,能更好地适应多任务系统中死锁避免的需要,实现资源的安全分配。
It also includes the formal proof of individual pieces of code, and the review of documents and code. 当然也包括单独代码的形式验证,文档和代码的评审。
One might be listening to a prosecuting counsel who can allow himself every liberty in arguing his own case, but demands from defending counsel the most formal, legally valid proof for his every word. 这就好像在听这样一位检察官讲话,他在起诉时可以信口开河,然而却要求辩护人每句话都要有最严格的、法律效力的证据。
Whether we should follow the principle of truth value or adopt the principle of epistemology is the watershed between the formal reasoning theory and the new proof theory. 论证的评估是坚持真值标准,还是采用认识论标准是形式推理理论与新的论证理论的分水岭;
The cryptographic protocol should always satisfy security properties, so the formal specification should give the corresponding proof method. 密码协议必须满足安全属性的需求,对密码协议进行形式化规范需要证明其满足该属性。
The most widely used method in the formal correctness proof is the Hoare method. It uses inductive formulas characterizing input/ output relationships of programs or program segments. 在正确性证明中最广泛应用的方法是Hoare方法,它利用推导公式来描述程序或程序片断的输入/输出关系。
A Formal Proof of It That Moving Object Is Both Here and Not Here Any Moment 运动着的物体每一瞬间既在这儿又不在这儿的一个形式证明
Formal Proof of Correctness of Fortran Programs FORTRAN程序正确性的形式证明
Many formal methods of programming specification and formal correctness proof appear, which take an important role in the development of the methodology for programming design. 许多程序规范与验证的形式化方法涌现出来,对程序设计方法学的发展起了积极的推动作用。
Simultaneous recursion and its formal proof 联立递归式及其形式证明
From an application system, this paper analyzes the privacy and authenticity of a security protocol in the electronic fund transfer system with a formal proof method. 从一个实用系统出发,采用形式化的证明方法,分析了电子资金转帐系统中安全协议的保密性和可鉴别性。
Hardware description languages ( HDL) such as VHDL are essential technology to support most of the steps of digital hardware design, such as simulation, synthesis, testing, and formal proof. 目前,在数字硬件设计全过程中,类似于VHDL的硬件描述语言(HDL)已能支持系统仿真、综合、测试和形式验证等大多数设计步骤。
The formal security proof of this scheme is provided in the random oracle model. 我们在随机预言模型下给出了方案的安全性证明。
On the base of Michal arithmetic, and combined with chaotic time series and linear regression, a new ISN prediction method is presented and validated by formal proof. 目前常用的初始序列号猜测算法是Michal算法。在对Michal算法进行分析的基础上,结合混沌时间序列分析方法和线性回归法,提出了一种新的初始序列号猜测算法并加以验证;
By applying PMAP, a verifiable threshold secret sharing scheme in RFID tags group is addressed, and its security features are analyzed and formal security proof is given by using PCL. 应用PMAP协议,提出了RFID标签组中的可验证秘密共享方案,分析了方案的安全性,并利用PCL给出了形式化安全性证明。
The formal security proof of PMAP is given by using the protocol composition logic ( PCL). 利用协议组合逻辑(ProtocolCompositionLogic,PCL)对提出的协议进行了形式化安全性证明。
○ 4 A formal proof based on logic for the established authentication protocol model is given, and the effectiveness of the security goals of the agreement is demonstrated. ○4针对所建立的认证协议模型,给出了基于逻辑的形式化证明,论证了该协议对安全性目标的有效性。
Currently, As Formal Method and Proof Theory of Program Correctness is unable to become a practical method, Performance Test of Software is still an effective mean of software quality guaranty quite a while in the future. 在目前形式化方法和程序正确性证明技术还无望成为实用性方法的情况下,软件性能测试在将来相当一段时间内仍然是软件质量保证的有效手段。
The third aspect is about justification of symbol formal proof methods on authentication protocols. A soundness proof was given out for formal attacker ability description. 在认证协议形式化证明可靠性论证方面,给出形式化攻击者能力描述的可靠性证明。
We propose a novel two party two-factor AKE protocol based on one-time passwords and a smart card, and we also give a formal proof for security of the protocol in the ideal model. 本文设计了一个基于一次口令和智能卡的双因素AKE协议,并在理想模型下,给出了协议的安全性证明。
Essentially, rhetoric is the art of persuasion; it concerns arguments on matters about which there can be no formal proof. 本质上,修辞就是说服的艺术,是一种对没有正式、绝对证据的问题进行说理的活动。
The symbolic view generally does not consider the specific cryptographic algorithm, but see the message as symbol having special meaning, then analyze the protocol whether it could achieve the anticipative goal using formal logic and theorem proof. 符号观点一般不考虑安全协议使用的具体密码算法,而是把安全协议的安全特性抽象成一组可操作的符号,然后用形式逻辑或定理证明的方法来分析协议是否能达到预期的安全目标。